Tuesday, May 27, 2014

National Month for ???

I don't really take things like "National Hug Day" and "National Smile Day" seriously, and don't actually celebrate them.  So when someone "creates" a "special day" for a specific month, I just think they're trying to be special.  Personally, I don't think hardly anyone honestly celebrates these days.  If I were to create three "special" days, the first thing I would create would be national silence day, the second would be national movie day, and the third would be national yu-gi-oh day.  Note: no actual thought went into these ideas, because I could really care less.  What I would like to celebrate this month would be national silence day, because it might be the one day that I could finally get some peace of mind.  This day should be celebrated by nobody talking, and have people be able to do their thing with no one to disturb them.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Topic of Choice

I'm going to cheat, and advertise myself here.  For those of you that do not know, I am a very talented artist.  My art talents range from people to animals to machines of various sorts.  I don't do paintings, only hand drawings.  If you want to check out some of my pictures and projects, check out my account at freakshow23 @ Deviantart.com.

Monday, May 12, 2014

TV Violence

DISCLAIMER:  I DO NOT WATCH TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I honestly don't think there are a whole lot of violent tv shows out there.  If anything, there are too many outragesly STUPID comedy shows.  I don't think that "violent" tv shows should be on after certain times.  If one's parents don't want their children watching something, they should enforce it.  Sometimes there have been some tv shows that contain violence that I've taken interest in, though.  I don't think that there are a whole lot of tv shows that contain major amounts of violence.  One of my favorite tv shows is Danny Phantom.  I don't think this show is terribly violent, mostly because it was originally created to entertain the younger crowds, but it also has large amounts of hilarity.  Due to the content of some of the jokes and more violent moments, I would reccomend this tv show for anyone 11 and older.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinco De Mayo

Cinco de Mayo:  I don't know, and I don't care.

National No Homework Day:  I don't know who came up with "National No Homework Day", but whoever they are, they should be cherished by students all over the U.S.  Personally, I think this "holliday" is one of the best ideas ever, only instead of  "day", it should be "week".  I plan on spending National No Homework Day by playing Black Ops 2 Zombies and Jak II all day, only breaking to eat and sleep.