Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
National Month for ???
I don't really take things like "National Hug Day" and "National Smile Day" seriously, and don't actually celebrate them. So when someone "creates" a "special day" for a specific month, I just think they're trying to be special. Personally, I don't think hardly anyone honestly celebrates these days. If I were to create three "special" days, the first thing I would create would be national silence day, the second would be national movie day, and the third would be national yu-gi-oh day. Note: no actual thought went into these ideas, because I could really care less. What I would like to celebrate this month would be national silence day, because it might be the one day that I could finally get some peace of mind. This day should be celebrated by nobody talking, and have people be able to do their thing with no one to disturb them.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Topic of Choice
I'm going to cheat, and advertise myself here. For those of you that do not know, I am a very talented artist. My art talents range from people to animals to machines of various sorts. I don't do paintings, only hand drawings. If you want to check out some of my pictures and projects, check out my account at freakshow23 @ Deviantart.com.
Monday, May 12, 2014
TV Violence
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT WATCH TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly don't think there are a whole lot of violent tv shows out there. If anything, there are too many outragesly STUPID comedy shows. I don't think that "violent" tv shows should be on after certain times. If one's parents don't want their children watching something, they should enforce it. Sometimes there have been some tv shows that contain violence that I've taken interest in, though. I don't think that there are a whole lot of tv shows that contain major amounts of violence. One of my favorite tv shows is Danny Phantom. I don't think this show is terribly violent, mostly because it was originally created to entertain the younger crowds, but it also has large amounts of hilarity. Due to the content of some of the jokes and more violent moments, I would reccomend this tv show for anyone 11 and older.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Cinco De Mayo
Cinco de Mayo: I don't know, and I don't care.
National No Homework Day: I don't know who came up with "National No Homework Day", but whoever they are, they should be cherished by students all over the U.S. Personally, I think this "holliday" is one of the best ideas ever, only instead of "day", it should be "week". I plan on spending National No Homework Day by playing Black Ops 2 Zombies and Jak II all day, only breaking to eat and sleep.
National No Homework Day: I don't know who came up with "National No Homework Day", but whoever they are, they should be cherished by students all over the U.S. Personally, I think this "holliday" is one of the best ideas ever, only instead of "day", it should be "week". I plan on spending National No Homework Day by playing Black Ops 2 Zombies and Jak II all day, only breaking to eat and sleep.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Prom is pointless. The end.
Personally, I don't like prom. I think that it is just stupid for a bunch of people to go crazy over some music, food, and dancing (grinding). I would much rather stay at home with my amigos and play videogames and watch movies all night. I don't really care for prom at all, even if it is my senior year prom. The only way that I'm going to senior year prom is if I'm bribed with three hundred dollars.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Earth Day
Tomorrow is Earth Day. To be honest, this has never really meant anything to me. I never have taken part in an Earth Day celebration, except maybe to pick up trash next to the road.
--- The first Earth Day celebration was on April 22, 1970.
--- Earth Day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson.
--- The first Earth Day had more than 20 million participants
--- The first Earth Day celebration was on April 22, 1970.
--- Earth Day was founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson.
--- The first Earth Day had more than 20 million participants
Monday, April 14, 2014
Spring Break
My spring break was extremely uneventful. I had pretty much done nothing for the entire week. However, the most eventful day I had was when I watched all the x-men movies. I am very proud of my movie collections, x-men being one of my favorite. I spent saturday watching the movie series, and then proceded to watch the trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past, which is a movie I absolutely CANNOT wait for!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Free Topic
Since this week we have a free topic, I'm going to talk about one of my favorite, but lesser known, comic book teams: Marvel's Power Pack. Power Pack is actually a team of siblings that received their powers when their parents were abducted by aliens. The oldest sibling, Alex Power, has the ability to manipulate gravity, and goes by Zero-G. The second oldest, Julie, can fly and move at light speed, and is appropriately titled Lightspeed. Jack is the third oldest, and can expand his density so that he can turn into a cloud, or condense his matter so that his is nearly invisibly tiny and completely indestructible. And Katie, the youngest, has the ability to disintegrate anything into energy, and then shoot that energy in a condensed beam.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Issues with Cheaters
There are a couple of main things that I would do if I saw a friend of mine cheating on something. The first thing that I would do is report said friend. I would tell an adult authority about it, then talk to the friend. I would do this because 1. The friend would realize that cheating didn't get him or her the points, and 2. I could probably talk some sense into the cheating friend and get him or her to actually try to do the assignment right.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Photography Composition
I think that this photo is based on how it has been put together by how the frog has been centered in the middle of the image and caught in the middle of a jump. It is also based on how it was put together by how large the frog is. This shows that this is a macro photo. The lighting and the mist behind the frog also help to make the frog stand out, and also stands as a sign that the photo was taken in the morning.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Test Week
Honestly, having to take tests every few weeks for your entire life is lame. Personally, I think that education spends too much time testing people to see what they've learned. If there weren't any tests, people would probably be a lot more relaxed in school. Teachers would know that we've learned the lessons that were being taught by hosting game-based activities. In my opinion, standardized tests are highly unessessary. There probably could be "fair" testing for all students. I generally do fairly swell on tests, and the person that "just doesn't do well on tests" probably just doesn't study or care.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Top Four
There are four things that matter the most to me in my life. These things are my artwork, my dreams for the future, my friends, and my faith, in no real order. The reason for my artwork and future dreams go hand-in-hand. My artwork fuels my dreams, and if my artwork were ever tampered with or destroyed, I would be ruined. My friends matter to me because they're like the family that I could never have asked for. They share my interests and concerns (most of the time), and always have my back when I need help. And lastly my faith matters most to me because it has shaped who I am today in more ways than one. If I didn't have my faith in Christ, I would never have gotten where I am today.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Popular President

Monday, February 10, 2014
Charity Event
If I had $100,000 to give away, I would give it to the Humane Society of America for a couple of reasons. One, I love animals. Two, I'm pretty sure the Humane Society could use some extra bucks(cash not deer). And three, I like to help people(or in this case organizations) whenever I can.
Monday, February 3, 2014
If I Was Anywhere But Here....
If I could be anywhere but in a state-wide freezer right now I would prefer to be at the beach for one simple reason: I really, REALLY like swimming. That, and it's WARM. Usually anyway. Besides drawing and playing videogames, swimming is one of my favorite activities to do in my spare time.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Insect Life
If I were an insect, I would be a Butterfly. I see myself as a Butterfly because they remind me of my artwork. Like the pictures I draw, Butterflies start out as something that some would consider not worth looking at. But when they go through metamorphosis, they are transformed into something truly beautiful. Many of the pictures I draw go through a "metamorphosis", and turn out really good looking once I'm finished. That is why I would view myself as a Butterfly if I were an insect.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Final Exam

One of the web tools I don't think I'll ever use again is blogging. I generally don't like telling people of the events that happen in my life and honestly nothing of notice ever really happens to me.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Winter Vacation
I was pleased with winter vacation this year. Lately it seems that it has been getting shorter and shorter, but this year we got an extra week off due to the weather. So that made me happy. And I got a ton of money for Christmas instead of gifts, which I then used to get my own gifts. Said gifts include Iron Man 3, Batman: Arkham Origins for PS3, and the first two Superman movies featuring Chris Reeve. I was very excited over that last one.
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